vtctldclient UpdateThrottlerConfig #
Update the tablet throttler configuration for all tablets in the given keyspace (across all cells)
vtctldclient UpdateThrottlerConfig [--enable|--disable] [--metric-name=<name>] [--threshold=<float64>] [--custom-query=<query>] [--throttle-app|unthrottle-app=<name>] [--throttle-app-ratio=<float, range [0..1]>] [--throttle-app-duration=<duration>] [--throttle-app-exempt=<bool>] [--app-name=<name> --app-metrics=<metrics>] <keyspace>
Options #
--app-metrics strings metrics to be used when checking the throttler for the app (requires --app-name). Empty to restore to default metrics. Example: --app-metrics=lag,custom,shard/loadavg
--app-name string app name for which to assign metrics (requires --app-metrics)
--custom-query string custom throttler check query
--disable Disable the throttler
--enable Enable the throttler
-h, --help help for UpdateThrottlerConfig
--metric-name string name of the metric for which we apply a new threshold (requires --threshold). If empty, the default (either 'lag' or 'custom') metric is used.
--threshold float threshold for the either default check (replication lag seconds) or custom check
--throttle-app string an app name to throttle
--throttle-app-duration duration duration after which throttled app rule expires (app specififed in --throttled-app) (default 1h0m0s)
--throttle-app-exempt exempt this app from being at all throttled. WARNING: use with extreme care, as this is likely to push metrics beyond the throttler's threshold, and starve other apps
--throttle-app-ratio float ratio to throttle app (app specififed in --throttled-app) (default 1)
--unthrottle-app string an app name to unthrottle
Options inherited from parent commands #
--action_timeout duration timeout to use for the command (default 1h0m0s)
--compact use compact format for otherwise verbose outputs
--server string server to use for the connection (required)
--topo-global-root string the path of the global topology data in the global topology server (default "/vitess/global")
--topo-global-server-address strings the address of the global topology server(s) (default [localhost:2379])
--topo-implementation string the topology implementation to use (default "etcd2")
- vtctldclient - Executes a cluster management command on the remote vtctld server.